Mkhuze Skill Centre Sod Turning Ceremony
The Services SETA board members, local municipality officials as well as tribal authority members officiated a sod-turning ceremony to mark the construction of the Mkhuze Skills Centre. Its primary purpose is to increase access to learning and training within Umkhanyakude District Municipality.The Skills Centre demonstrates the Services SETA’s commitment to bringing post-school training and education to learners in remote areas. Learners in Mkhuze typically need to travel over 100 km to access any form of post-schooling.
Construction is set to begin on 02 September 2022 at the Mange section in the Mkhuze area in KwaZulu-Natal and is expected to be completed in 12 months.
The centre will provide skills such as plumbing, carpentry and bricklaying. “As black people, we need such facilities. We must gain artisanal skills to better our chances of finding employment or becoming self-employed,” said Services SETA Board Member Patricia Sithole. Once complete, Mthashana TVET college and other SETA’s will provide training from the skills centre.
The structural reveal of the centre received a rousing round of applause from the community members. Ward councillor Myeni emphasised the need for community members to take ownership of the skills centre and protect it as a precious asset
Beyond being a space for training, the construction of the skills centre will create employment opportunities for the local community and businesses while being built. A budget has been allocated for training learners in the built environment. Learners will get to work at the site and be part of the construction process.
The Services SETA also hosted a career expo for Grade 8 to 12 learners from the nearby school, Sidingimfundo Secondary.